Net Meeting is a device that users in different locations to communicate. A high-speed Internet connection is required to keep a line Net Meeting. Net Meeting is an excellent solution for web conferencing. It includes services such as multi-point data conferencing, text chat and file transfer and point-to-point audio and video. Many leading companies and educational institutions to use Net Meeting to save time and costs and increaseProductivity.
A plant you need Net Meeting Net Meeting software and a sound card, speakers, microphone, wireless high speed internet and software Messenger. To have a private interview, Net Meeting is used in combination with the software Messenger. Net Meeting has already been used in conjunction with the ILS server. But the ILS server is very slow and open to all. The program ICQ messenger is now in use in the vernacular. The Messenger ICQ allows the use ofan address book.
Videoconference with net working works best with high-speed connection such as DSL or cable. It 'necessary to confirm that the lighting is adequate and that there are no distractions or background noise. Neutral backgrounds are best for a better quality video.
Net Meeting provides low-cost video conferencing over the Internet with reasonable video / audio quality. Traditional audio and video conferences are the lowest possibleNetwork bandwidth, such as a modem. The request and the clip-board-sharing, users can run Net Meeting conference on the application itself, while the exchange of data. "Blackboard-chat" that allows participants of the conference to see and manipulate the design, drawings and text in real time. Net Meeting software can be downloaded for free. NET Meeting uses off-the-shelf video capture card and a digital camera. Suitable for remote support or help, Net Meeting is a simple,a tool for non-technical people to use.